Studies show saunas can protect against heart, brain diseases

Since ancient times, saunas have been used for relaxation and wellness. Now, multiple studies are suggesting that enjoying a good sweat can also help to stave off heart disease, stroke and even dementia.

Researchers from the University of Eastern Finland tracked more than 2,300 men for longer than two decades and found that subjects who used saunas regularly had a 63 per cent decrease in deaths from heart attacks and strokes. They also found a 66 per cent reduction in cases of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.

The researchers also discovered that the frequency of sauna sessions played a dramatic role in how protective the practice was for the men’s health. They noticed improvements in blood pressure, blood flow and heart function in as little as four sauna sessions a week over a two-month period.

Banya as Symbol for Soul Purification

The first prototypes of the banyas were known way back in ancient times. These ancestors of the modern banyas were meant not as much for domestic application as sacral. It was believed that in the banya, all the four elements are at work. Here is the purifying power of the water, the heat from the fire, the penetrating miraculous vapour, the healing work of the grass and trees. This is why after visiting the banya, a person absorbed the power of the elements and became healthier and stronger.

In Rus’, banyas were always respected and honoured. No wonder that the banya was associated with the key moments in the life of the man: for example, before wedding, the bride must have visited the banya. It symbolized the transition from maidenhood to marriage. Our ancestors believed that the main purpose of the banya – purification of the soul. There was a saying: “if the banya didn’t help, nothing will”.

A steam bath in Rus’ was called “Vlaznya”, “Myl’nya” or “Movnya”. According to historical sources, there were already banyas in Russia in the V-VI centuries. They were used by all: the common people and the rich. Therefore, the view that the Russian people had no idea about personal hygiene and were very uncivilized is unfair in this regard. In Russian folklore, there is a mention of the banya at the time when the writing was not.

Before the baptism of Rus’, the banya was of such great importance probably due to pagan beliefs. It was believed that in the banya, one could attract the favour of the elements, which had inherent divine traits.

Since ancient times, our ancestors believed in the great purifying and healing power of the banya, while health, both physical and spiritual, they associated with purity. Banya was considered the principal means for the treatment of diseases and ailments, getting rid of all the bad things, removing the evil eye and spoilage. Sweating in the banya was looked positively on, by the society. It was a sign of hospitality and cordiality of the hosts, so first, guests were asked to sweat in the banya, and only after that were they invited to the table. No wonder, in all Russian tales, Baba Yaga takes Ivan Tsarevich to the banya, and only after that, she treats him to food.

The Slavs were not the only ones, who had a steam banya. Similar banyas have appeared in the possession of the Ural, Volga and Siberian peoples, as well as the Finnish, Ugric and others. Up to this day, there are hunting huts built on the principle of the banyas preserved in the Siberian forests. During the great migration, some of the Finnish peoples have brought to Europe a type of banya called “black banya”. Also, it is believed that the banyas of ancient Indians – temazcals- that still exist in Mexico and Central America, where people are steaming and using herbs and corn stalks, were brought by the tribes

Баня как символ духовного очищения

Первые прототипы бань были известны еще в глубокой древности. У наших предков бани имели предназначение не столько бытовое, сколько сакральное. Считалось, что здесь объединяются четыре стихии: очищающая сила воды, огненный жар, проникающий чудодейственный пар, оказывающие целебное действие травы и деревья. Поэтому после посещения бани человек вбирал силу стихий и становился здоровее, сильнее и крепче.

На Руси бани всегда пользовались уважением и почетом. Недаром с баней связывали ключевые моменты жизни человека: например, перед свадьбой невеста должна была обязательно посетить баню. Это символизировало переход из девичества в замужество. Наши предки считали, что главное предназначение бани – очищение души. Было такое поверье, что если не помогла баня, то уже ничего не поможет.

Парную на Руси называли влазней, мыльней или мовней. Согласно историческим источникам, бани на Руси были уже в V-VI веках. Ими пользовались все: простолюдины, богачи и знать. Поэтому мнение о том, что русский народ не имел представления о личной гигиене и был в этом вопросе крайне нецивилизованным, является несправедливым. В русском фольклоре есть упоминания о бане в то время, когда письменности еще не было.

До крещения Руси такое огромное значение бане, вероятно, придавалось из-за языческих верований. Считалось, что в бане можно было привлечь благосклонность стихий, которым были присущи божественные черты.

С древних времен наши предки верили в великую очистительную и целебную силу бани, а здоровье, как физическое, так и духовное, они связывали с чистотой. Баня считалась главным средством для лечения болезней и хворей, избавления от всего плохого, снятия порчи и сглаза. Париться в бане было хорошим тоном, признаком гостеприимства, радушия и расположения хозяев, поэтому сначала гостя парили в бане, а затем уж приглашали за стол. Не зря во всех русских сказках Баба-Яга парит в баньке Ивана-Царевича, а уж потом потчует его.

Парная баня была не только у славян. Подобные бани появились у уральских, поволжских и сибирских народов, а также у финских, угорских и других. До сих пор в тайге сохранились охотничьи избушки, построенные по принципу бань. Во времени великого переселения некоторые финские народы принесли в Европу тип бань по-черному. Также есть мнение, что бани древних индейцев – темаскуали – которые существуют до сих пор в Мексике и центральной Америке и парятся в них с использованием лечебных трав и кукурузных стеблей, принесли племена из Сибири.

New Airbnb rules could shut down 1,000 short-term listings in Vancouver

Vancouver Mayor Gregor Robertson says a new proposal that would require people to get a licence for Airbnb and other short-term rentals could put up to 1,000 homes back into the long-term rental pool.

That’s because short-term rentals of less than 30 days would only be legal in homes that are principal residences, Robertson revealed Wednesday at city hall.

“Housing is first and foremost for homes, not operating a business,” said Robertson.

“Both the city’s research and broad public input tells us we can have short-term rentals in Vancouver to help supplement income, while ensuring long-term rents are back in the rental market.”

The proposal comes the week after Robertson revealed a proposal to tax empty or vacant homes that are not principal residences, with the aim of getting empty investment properties back in the rental pool.